Led by Licensed, Specialized & Neurdoiversity Affirming Speech Language Pathologist & Occupational Therapists

Our comprehensive online program is designed to provide you with the right guidance, skills, and strategies necessary to become a confident and effective support system for Autistic individuals. With our expert-led training, you'll learn about the latest research and techniques to support Autism from a different perspective ― from the very fundamental components and communication support, all the way to sensory processing using a different lens.

You are at the right place!

All the knowledge and skills you need to help autistic individuals thrive!

  • We cover a range of unique topics, including understanding of Autism from Fundamentals of Autism, Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Framework, Strength Based approach, Gestalt Language Process, AAC, Guide to Sensory Integration Therapy and so much more!

  • Our course includes the latest research and evidence-based practices to ensure that you are equipped with the most up-to-date knowledge and techniques.

  • With our interactive modules, you will engage with real-life scenarios and learn practical techniques that you can apply immediately at home or school or at your clinical set-up.

Let’s keep learning & strive to make a positive difference in the lives of Neurodivergents and their families together.

  • Trust Our Expertise

    Led by Licensed & Specialized Neurodiversity Affirming Practice therapists Speech Language & Occupational Therapists

  • Flexibile & convenient

    Our online training format is convenient and flexible & you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule with all the pre-recorded videos & Live support via WhatsApp.

  • You can learn as well!

    Whether you are a parent, teacher, therapist, or caregiver, our course is tailored to meet your specific needs.

Course curriculum

    1. Navigate through the course

    1. Note

    1. Autism Through the Ages: A Captivating Historical Journey

    2. Busting the Myths

    3. Embracing Reality of Autism

    4. Quiz - 01

    5. Differences in Autism Communication

    6. Navigating Though Sensory Journey

    7. Differences in Socialization

    8. Differences in Interests & Routines

    9. Components Quiz - 02

    1. Learn Double Empathy Problem

    2. Learn Monotropism

    3. Learn Alexithymia

    4. Learn Masking & the Effects of Masking

    5. Neurodiversity Affirming Paradigm

    6. Strength Based Approach

    7. Neurodiversity Affirming Practice Quiz

    1. Analytical v/s Gestalt Language Development - Stages, examples & language sample

    2. Gestalt Language Acquisition Support

    1. Introduction to AAC

    2. Practical Support using AAC - Part 1

    3. Practical Support using AAC - Part 2

    4. Practical Support using AAC - Part 3

    5. Interview with the Mother of a 13 year old Autistic AAC user: Get inspired

Discover your child's potential, starting today

About Us

Starwalkers is a private Teletherapy & parent-training clinic like no other based in India that operates galaxy-wide. Our services span across galaxies for children and young adults, and we are specialists in working with Autistic children, Gestalt Language Processors, children / young adults with communication challenges & Sensory Processing Difficulties, and more.

Learn more about Starwalkers


  • Do I have to complete a test/assessment to get the certificate?

    Yes. There will be fun interactive quizzes & a simple assessment which can easily be completed by anyone.

  • Can this course be beneficial to work with Autistic children of all age groups?

    Yes, of course! These are the important fundamentals that you should keep in your mind despite of the age.

  • Is the certificate RCI Valid? Will you receive points from it?

    No, it is not & you will not receive RCI points. However, it is an add to your license which will help you enhance your knowledge and skills as you are aware many courses in India don’t discuss about Neurodiversity Affirming practice, AAC, Strength Based approach, Gestalt Language Processing etc. This certificate is from our Starwakers clinic.

  • By when can I complete this course? I'm usually very busy to finish in a day!

    Anytime! Our online course format is designed to be flexible and convenient to complete anytime. You can watch recorded lessons at your own pace.

  • Still have questions?

    Reach out to us via call or message on WhatsApp at +91 96536 77564 or email us: [email protected]


Swipe to gain insights of our learners feedback!

“This course have given me deeper insights of what Autism is. Each information mentioned would help to guide themselves in a right way. The way everything is explained makes easy to understand every detail of the course. The team has worked hard to simply things by giving examples. Whenever I had any query my query was solved within 12 hours which is worth appreciating. Stage by stage everything is explained with realistic examples. All those who wants to understand about Autism should enroll on this course. Grateful for sharing the right information and guidance.”

Rubina Allaudin Rajwani (Therapist)

“This has opened up a lot of new perspective of autistic individuals. The techniques that I learnt through this course has helped me to suggest for parents whom ilwas helping and there were also lot good feedbacks from parents. Thank you for this. All the information shared were really valuable.”

Saranya (Rehabilitation Psychologist)

“I was a little hesitant when things or approaches different from the conventional method were discussed like was it going to work out practically. for eg; When Ms. Nazma said sitting tolerance or eye contact should not be our goal, I was wondering, what and how then? But as the course progressed, it was as said UNLEARNING & relearning of the facts & what they mentioned is true when a CONNECTION WITH KID IS ESTABLISHED THEY WOULD SURELY COMMUNICATE WITH US. and for that connection, WE SHOULD LET THEM IN THEIR WAY. As you Ms. Nazma said what Autism is or how an autistic individual thinks can be said by only the autistic individuals himself & I should say that you could relate to their perspective in many ways. So, THANK YOU for sharing all your experience. Neurodiversity Affirming practice was new to me and now I find it very interesting and meaningful. In the GLP though wasn't new but was unaware of the different stages but when Ms. Nazma explained in detail I could relate well with the children am seeing. Another interesting fact was the way of report writing, hope to follow as Starwalkers suggested because I do believe that those little modifications in sentence structure can build hope and motivation for the parents. And module about the application of AAC was equally fruitful and amazing. I was also excited to listen to the interview session with the parents and how Starwalkers team made a change in their lives. Hope in the future our school system also thinks differently and I am sure they can reach out to teachers with the same. So all the best for future endeavours and I express my sincere gratitude as it was informative.”

Badarunisa Mohamad Basheer (SLP)

“I like the course very much. It's changed my view on autism several ways and I am sure it will help me in my profession also. Hope you will start the level 2 soon. Thank you so much Ms Nazma and team Starwalkers. ”

Mansiya Kulangara (SLP)

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